Treatment of the planet’s hardest watersMany manufacturing sites’ raw water supplies are inadequate from a quality or quantity perspective.
Kontek’s Reverse Osmosis System (ROKON) or Kontek’s Ion Exchange System (REKON) are used independently or in succession, to purify your raw water supply to the required level for use in your facility.
Below are examples of Industrial Wastewater Purification and Raw Water Treatment using our ROKON Reverse Osmosis and REKON Ion Exchange Systems.

- Kontek’s ROKON Reverse Osmosis Systems can be used to purify raw water or treated wastewater. Our highly efficient design process and extensive knowledge of membrane technology results in recovering up to 85% of your feed water as high-quality Reverse Osmosis permeate. Proper pre-treatment of the feed water is essential to maintaining high rejection and recovery rates. Your ROKON Reverse Osmosis System removes up to 99% of contaminants and consistently generates clear water.
- Application: ROKON Reverse Osmosis Systems are used when feed water conductivity is above 500 ppm of dissolved solids.
- High Recovery & Rejection Rates
YourROKON Reverse Osmosis System will recover up to 85% and reject up to 99% of your water’s contaminants depending on the feed water quality - Lower operating costs
We design the most efficient pre-treatment for your RO feedwater using high quality, low fouling RO membranes. Energy-saving VFDs on the ROKON Reverse Osmosis System’s pumps minimize maintenance requirements and maximize the life of your equipment. - Reliability
Kontek’sROKON Reverse Osmosis Systems can be designed to operate for 24 hours/day to produce the required amount of RO water to meet your facility’s volume requirements. Our control package allows for safe, unattended operation.

- Kontek’s REKON Ion Exchange Systems can be used to purify raw water or untreated wastewater, producing high-quality deionized water for recycling. Our conservative design results in 100% feed water recovery, with regeneration wastes accounting for 3% of the total volume recovered, thereby achieving a net recovery of 97%.
- Application: REKON Ion Exchange Systems are utilized when feed water conductivity is below 500 ppm of dissolved solids.
High Recovery Rate
Your REKON Ion Exchange System will recover up to 97% of your water depending on the feed water quality.Fully Automated Operation
Your REKON Ion Exchange System is manufactured with up to 36 automatic valves, allowing the service and regeneration cycles to operate 24/7.Conservative Design
We design the lowest flow rate per cubic foot of resin, meaning long service run times with minimal regeneration frequencies.